St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Consideration for Admission to our Nursery Centre


Within the Authority of Telford and Wrekin, children become eligible for early years provision at the beginning of the term after their third birthday, providing that a place is available - see The Borough of Telford and Wrekin (BTW) Criteria. 


Children living outside Donnington Wood may be admitted to our Nursery providing a place is available.  A Nursery ‘Consideration for Admission Form’ may be obtained from the Nursery Centre or School Administration Office and returned upon completion.


The process for consideration for admission to the Nursery Centre is as follows:

Parents complete the Nursery Consideration for admission form, indicating the date of application and session preference (if any).  Parents are also asked to confirm whether or not they wish to be placed on the School’s Consideration for Admission Register.


Names are added to the Consideration for Admissions Registers.


Parents are notified of available Nursery places during the half-term prior to entry and are invited to attend transition visits.


A reply must be received within 14 working days or the reserved place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.


Parents, however may be offered Nursery places at ‘short notice’ should this be deemed appropriate.


On admission to the Nursery, each parent will be asked to complete the Nursery Admission form and provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate.


The LA will help parents to locate a suitable setting for their child by giving information on settings within the 2-mile boundary of a child’s home address.  If a chosen setting such as St Matthew’s Nursery Centre does not have any vacancies then the parent will be advised to access an alternative within the area.


There will be no appeal process for pre-school settings.


A place in St Matthew’s Nursery Centre will not require the child to attend that mainstream setting on reaching school age.


A parent who chooses to send a child to another LA Nursery or non-LA provision will not be discriminated against when school places are allocated.


Our Nursery provides places for 64 children on a part time basis and has 10 full time places for those who qualify.  The staffing establishment consists of one experienced qualified teacher (Nursery Leader) and two teaching assistants plus students and voluntary support.


Session Times

St. Matthew’s Nursery Centre provides Nursery places for up to 64 children on a part-time basis.  The Nursery is open five days per week.  Session times are as follows:

Monday – Friday morning 8.40 am - 11.40 am.

Monday – Friday afternoon 12.15 pm - 3.15 pm.

Full time places are 8.40am-3.15 pm.



All parents are offered up to 15 hours per week flexible provision for their children to a maximum of three hours a day.  This is in line with the Government’s statutory requirement. Working parents are also able to apply for 30 hours provision, please see Government site for qualifying criteria.

St Matthew’s Nursery Centre now operates sessions at the following times:

Monday – Friday morning 8.40am – 11.40am

Monday - Friday afternoon 12.15pm – 3.15pm

We ask that all parents collect Nursery children prior to collecting siblings from school.


Reception Transfer

These are for Nursery children who will be transferring to St Matthew’s School and take place during the half term prior to transfer to full time school.    Parents will be notified of these dates during the term prior to entry into school.  There are also planned opportunities for the Reception teacher to visit and work with the children within the Nursery Centre to further support the transition from Nursery to Reception.


Induction Sessions

These operate at the end of the half-term before a child starts Nursery.  Children are invited to attend a minimum of two sessions.  During the sessions parents are encouraged to leave their children in order for their child to begin to familiarise themselves with nursery routines and expectations.  These sessions are also used to ensure that children become familiar with the adults and children that they will be working with during their time in Nursery.


An additional meeting is also arranged for the parents of new Nursery starters.  This session allows parents to complete admission forms, familiarise themselves with the environment, staff and ways of working and order uniform and book bags.