St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.  It matters that you don’t just give up – Stephen Hawking


Our Vision

At St Matthew’s CE (Aided) Primary School and Nursery Centre, we recognise that every member of our school community is unique.  Each of us has our own distinct character, our own particular gifts and each of us has our own individual needs. We recognise that there are barriers which, because of some individuals’ needs, can hinder them from fulfilling their potential.  Some of those barriers will be common to many members of our school community, whilst some will be unique to one member only.  In either case, as a school we aim to identify and remove those barriers to create full accessibility for all, within a truly inclusive school community.


My name is Mrs Burns and I joined the team at St Matthew’s as the SENCo in 2022.  I overseeing the provision for all SEND pupils from Nursery through to Year 6, so as well as your class teacher, I am your first point of call if you feel that you have any concerns relating to your child’s development, learning or progress.

Pastoral Manager

My name is Mrs Cadman and I work with all children who need help to overcome difficulties that may prevent their learning. The variety of issues covered is vast, ranging from punctuality, challenging behaviour, low self-esteem, lack of confidence and raising academic achievement.

I support children to develop positive mental health and wellbeing; allowing them to enjoy learning.

I am also the school ELSA (Emotional literacy assistant support) this role enables me to support children to identify how they may be feeling and why; supporting them to manage their feelings in a positive way.



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Telford and Wrekin Local Authority Offer St Matthew’s School Offer SEND School Improvement Priorities


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SEND Information Report St Matthew's SEND Policy