St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Vision, Mission, Motto and Values

Our vision and linked Bible reference are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be confident and happy members of the community. 


Our Vision and Motto 

Rooted in our Christian Values and TEAM spirit we will aspire to be an innovative and inspiring community where every individual is provided with the opportunity to flourish spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and intellectually. 

We are, "Individuals working together to potential with God."


Our expectation for all, from our linked bible quote is: 

"I can do all things because Christ (Jesus) gives me strength." Philippians 4:13  


Our Mission

Our Christian vision, motto and values are expressed through our school’s mission statement.

We will:

  • Encourage everyone, of all backgrounds and abilities, to flourish spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and intellectually thereby fulfilling their God-given


  • Have collective worship as a central part of our community, encompassing the spiritual development of both children and adults.
  • Provide high quality religious education that encourages children to persevere in developing religious literacy.
  • Provide a framework of both core and foundation subjects which enables and enhances purposeful learning across the curriculum, giving depth, breadth, balance  and progression.
  • Help pupils to develop the resilience to persevere in their learning. To investigate, reason and reflect within a Christian community that encourages taking risks and making decisions.
  • Ensure the safety of our children and staff within our Christian community is a priority.
  • Provide support for good mental health and wellbeing of our children and staff so that all feel respected and valued.
  • Help our children to develop lifelong values so that they can contribute successfully to their local community and navigate an increasing complex national and global community.
  • Promote a respect for difference and diversity that exist in our modern world.
  • Provide a Christian community where there are strong caring relationships based on mutual respect, demonstrated through courtesy, forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Promote the practice of the school’s TEAM (Thankfulness, Enjoyment, Ambition and Mission) core values with all who work in our school.


Our Values 


Click here to read our school SEF