Mrs Barfield will be back Monday - Friday from this term on.
This term, we will be focussing on our DT unit which is called Mega Machine. This project teaches children about simple machines, including wheels, axles, inclined planes, pulleys and levers, exploring how they helped ancient builders to lift and move heavy loads.
Focus – Mechanisms
(Pulleys and Levers – Create a mega machine to pull a Viking longboat up onto the shore)
In English, we will be linking our writing once again to our reading book The Saga of Eric the Viking. We will be focussing on Instructions and Persuasive Letters this half term. Our grammar lessons will link to looking at time conjunctions, imperative verbs, causal and summarising conjunctions.
In reading, we will continue exploring the book ‘The Saga of Eric the Viking’ and will be using our VIPERS reading skills during reading lessons. In particular, we will be using our predictive skills to determine what might happen next based upon clues given in the text.
In maths, we are continuing to focus on our multiplication skills and this is something that we will be really concentrating on during homework activities too. As you are aware, the children in year 4 are required to take an end of year multiplication test where they are required to know their multiplications fluently up to the 12 times tables so as much practise at home is very much appreciated. Click here for more information on this test.
We will also be looking at fractions, decimals, percentages and perimeter.
In RE, our big question is 'How do people express their faith through the arts?' We will explore many religious artworks and understand how the arts (including dance and music) can bring a Christian closer to God.
In Science, we will be grouping materials based on their properties through the topic 'Marvellous Mixtures'.
In PE, we will be continuing with out PE days of Monday and Thursday. Monday’s PE lessons will concentrate on Karate skills and Thursday’s PE sessions will focus on handball.
Here is our curriculum map for this term: Saint Kateri