Reception – Saint Francis
Saint Francis.
Our class Saint is Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis is the patron saint of the environment and animals because he loved all creatures and allegedly preached to even the birds. He called animals “brother” or “sister,” and he exhorted them to praise God. He would go through the streets and byways, inviting everyone to sing with him. And one time when he came upon an almond tree, he said, “Brother Almond, speak to me of God.” And the almond tree blossomed.
Welcome to Reception! In Reception we really enjoy learning through play and throughout the day we engage in many different activities with Miss Williams, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Cund. We create wonderful paintings in the Art Area, fantastic models in the Construction Area and use lovely storytelling language in the Reading Area.
Here are some pictures of inside Reception! We have lots of defined areas for the children to access and explore both independently and with support and guidance from an adult.
We are so lucky to have a large outside space that is also undercover so we can access the outside no matter what the weather! Here are some pictures of our outside space:
To support us with our Phonics and Reading we follow the Read Write Inc. scheme to teach phonics, below are some useful links for parents.
Early Years children take part in weekly Wild Tribe sessions led by Miss Booles who is a fully trained Wild Tribe practitioner. Within these sessions the children learn about nature, explore the great outdoors, use tools, enjoy fires and climb trees amongst many other fun activities.