St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13


Click on image above to open the curriculum map to see what we are learning about during  Spring 1


This half term our Cornerstones topic is Through the Ages.

This is a history topic which looks at the Stone Age. We will be learning about everyday life in for the Stone Age people, tools they used and their settlements.

English - This half term we will be covering narrative. We will be designing our own story settings, based on our class text and describing these. We will then write our own story about a cave man, taking inspiration from our class text. 

Reading - Our class book is called ' Stig of the Dump' by Clive King. The children will all have access to their own copy of the class book in school. It's also really important that the children read regularly at home and we will try our best to change books on a weekly basis. 

Maths - We are going to cover multiplication and division, money and statistics this half term. It is also really important that the children practise their times tables everyday and get more confident at recalling them.

Science - This half term in Science we will be looking at our Amazing bodies. We will be looking at the skeleton, identifying muscles and discussing what makes a health lifestyle.