This half term our Cornerstones topic is Rocks Relics and Rumbles.
This is a geography topic that explores volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be learning about the core of the Earth; what causes a volcano; types of volcanos; what causes an earthquake and tsunamis.
English - This half term we will be covering setting descriptions and poetry. We will continue to write a setting description about a jungle, like the one Lila enters as she tries to find Mount Merapi.
Reading - Our class books are called 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman and 'The Volcano Challenge' by Bear Grylls. The children will all have access to their own copy of the class book in school. It's also really important that the children read regularly at home and we will try our best to change books on a fortnightly basis.
Maths - We are going to cover place value and addition and subtraction this half term. It is also really important that the children practise their times tables everyday and get more confident at recalling them. In year 3 our focus will be to revisit and revise the 2,5 and 10 times tables, but we will also be looking at learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Being able to recall times tables facts quikly and confidently is an essential skill for which is needed to be able to carry out many aspects of maths which is why we encourage our children to practise these at home and to also use
Science - This half term in Science we will be covering the topic of 'the digestive system'.
Geography: How have children’s lives changed? Here we will be looking at how children's lives have changed in comparison to the life of a poor and a rich child during the Tudor period compared to now.