All of our uniform is now available from Baker & Son School Wear in Wellington who also offer the option to order online.
To order online please enter the following: www.bakerandsonschoolwear.co.uk. Their contact details are as follows:
Baker and Son School Wear
29 New Street
TF11 1LU
01952 641897
School Uniform
The Governing Body of St Matthew’s CE (Aided) Primary School and Nursery Centre has agreed that school uniform must be worn at all times in both School and Nursery and should consist of:
- School Logo sweatshirt or cardigan in navy blue/ Plain navy sweatshirt or cardigan.
- Grey/black or navy trousers.
- Grey/ black or navy pinafore dress or skirt.
- Blue/white shirt or polo shirt.
- Blue gingham dresses (summer only, after Easter half-term holiday)
- White/grey/black or navy socks or tights.
- Black or dark shoes (no heels or platforms, no trainers). Boots are not school uniform and if your child chooses to wear them to walk to school then they should be changed once inside to normal school shoes.
We want the children to take pride in their appearance and how they represent the school.
PE Kit
These items of clothing are required for every PE lesson:
Indoor PE Lessons and outdoor lessons in Summer
School jumper or cardigan
White t-shirt
Black or navy shorts
Suitable outdoor trainers or pumps (not canvas or platform)
Outdoor PE Lessons in Winter
White t-shirt
Black or navy tracksuit bottoms
School jumper or cardigan
Suitable outdoor trainers or pumps (not canvas or platform)
If a child’s kit is forgotten regularly, you will be notified by letter or telephone. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name to ensure they can be returned to you if misplaced. Children with long hair must have it tied back for PE lessons to prevent accidents and all children must remove any jewellery before participation; stud earrings should be taped over or removed if possible. Please ensure all kit is unbranded and plain. School jumpers or cardigans to be worn, not hooded sweatshirts.
Only stud earring can be worn in school and these must be taped over for PE lessons or removed. For the first six weeks after ears have been pierced studs may be kept in at all times. Boys may wear one plain small stud. A watch (not a smartwatch) may be worn in school, but must be removed for PE lessons. Any further items worn will be asked to be removed and kept safely by the teacher until the end of the school day. Body piercing and facial piercing is not permitted in school.
Children should not wear makeup to school this includes nail polish and temporary skin tattoos. We reserve the right to confiscate items that are being worn or used inappropriately and can ban unforeseen items that may come under ‘fashion’ items that are not specifically stated in our uniform policy.
Hair must be of natural colour and no extreme fashion styles including tram lines and other shaved hair patterns are permitted. If a child has an extreme hair style they will be sent home and parents asked to resolve the issue
Thank you for your support with uniform. We believe it ensures the children are smart and ready to learn in school. If you have any problems related to school uniform please contact the school office.