St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

The Governing Body

Governors at St Matthews

The school demonstrates good practice in:

  • A positive, stimulating and inspiring learning environment which results in happy, highly motivated and successful pupils.
  • The inspirational leadership of the Headteacher whose solution focused and pragmatic response to challenges engenders a sense of hope and resilience in her team. A strong leadership team who take an active role in coaching less experienced and less effective staff to improve their practice.
  • A strong curriculum offer, effectively led by the Deputy Headteacher, which is embedded in an agreed pedagogical approach to learning.
  • The leadership’s generosity of spirit in providing support to colleagues in other schools whenever this is requested.
  • The schools outstanding approach to the personal and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils which results in a harmonious school community.
  • The high value the school places on the professional development of staff which has a significant impact on its sustainability and capacity to improve, moving securely towards being an outstanding school in all areas.
  •  Its outstanding Early Years provision which is a beacon of effective practice and strong leadership.

Severn Teaching School Annual Summary Report to Governors September 2022

The Headteacher’s high aspirations for the pupils are at the heart of the school’s strategic decision making. The Headteacher leads by example and her commitment and loyalty to the pupils, families and staff is second to none. St Matthew’s is a school where pupils thrive through a positive ethos which is nurturing, inclusive, celebratory and lives up to its Christian values in being: “caring, supportive and mutually rewarding”. Every visit to St Matthew’s provides the opportunity to see pupils who are highly motivated, engaged in their learning and keen to succeed. Whether you see pupils working formally with an adult in a classroom or working independently or collaboratively in a shared corridor space, you can be sure that the pupils will give you a welcome smile and proudly share their work with you. Leaders have effective systems in place to make sure pupils are kept safe. In short, St Matthew’s is a happy school where children know good things happen.
The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers have worked unstintingly to ensure that, despite the on-going challenges of the pandemic, there has been a continued focus on providing targeted professional development support for all teachers at every stage in their career, including an Early Careers Teacher who is new to the teaching profession. This training has been led by both external consultants and internal leaders. It has included deploying the STSA adviser to undertake a comprehensive coaching programme to strengthen the quality of subject leadership. The newly appointed Assistant Headteacher has also been supported in accessing an externally validated senior leadership qualification. This demonstrates the outward facing nature of the school, always striving to improve the quality of leadership in order to strengthen the school’s capacity for further improvement. Staff are appreciative of the support they receive from senior leaders, including the time they are provided with to undertake subject leadership actions.

St Matthew’s staff are always willing and generous with their time in agreeing to support the needs of others. This can be seen through the school’s engagement in the STSA Leaders of Education (SLE) programme. Three of the staff in the school provide professional development support and guidance to staff in neighbouring schools. The evaluations of their work are always positive. They also warmly welcome visitors into the school who want to learn from their strong practice, particularly in Early Years.

The school have had to work hard with families to address on-going absence issues since the outbreak of the pandemic. The Deputy Headteacher, supported by the Pastoral Lead, has worked hard to get pupils back in school, including referring families to the Early help and Strengthening Families LA led programme. Home visit have been made was this has deemed to be necessary. The positive outcome of all these measures has been that attendance rose from 91% in the Spring term to 95% in the Summer term, with 99% of EAL pupils attending and 100% for Children in Care. This improvement in attendance demonstrates the senior leaders dogged determination to get pupils back into school.

The Governors take an active role in the life of the school. The Chair of Governors often attends the termly meetings led by the STSA adviser. This gives her the opportunity to seek clarification and guidance on wide ranging school improvement issues and developments. In these meetings she asks school leaders pertinent questions in her role as ‘critical friend’. As a result, through the Chair of Governors feedback reports, the Governing Body are kept fully aware of the school’s strengths and development points.

The Deputy Headteacher also currently undertakes the role of SENDCo for the school. She is highly knowledgeable and experienced in this role. She works very hard to maintain positive relationships between the school and the parents of these vulnerable pupils. Her knowledge and experience is exemplary. She swiftly acts to engage the support of a wide range of outside agencies, as and when this is needed. The STSA audit of the school’s SEND provision was highly complimentary, recognising the school’s many strengths. Also, one of the school governors used to lead the LA’s Learning Support Advisory Team. Her expertise in this field is a significant asset for the school. Due to the on-going demands of Deputy Headship the correct decision has been made to appoint a new member of staff to undertake the SENDCo role. The Headteacher is aware that this new leader will require a robust induction programme to support her transition into this role.
A LA consultant’s audit regarding the school’s provision for disadvantaged pupils judged that senior leaders had put robust and comprehensive systems and processes in place to ensure the needs of these pupils are being met well.

How can you contact a Governor?

Governors at St. Matthew’s C.E (Aided) Primary School and Nursery are always approachable through contacting the school office or emailing directly from the following email list.


Meet St Matthew's Governing Body

Mrs Anna Hill

Chair of Governors and Finance committee

Mrs Heather Cooper

Vice Chair


Mrs Deborah Mills



Mrs Rebecca Wilson

Deputy Head


Mrs Bev Porter

LA co-opted Governor


Areas of Responsibility

  • English
  • Foundation Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Safeguarding
  • CIC
  • Assessment
  • Attendance
  • Building/Assets Management
  • Staff Discipline Committee
  • HR




Areas of Responsibility

  • Science
  • RE and SIAMs
  • Appeals Committee
  • Finance Committee Member








Areas of Responsibility

  • Finance Committee Member 










Areas of Responsibility

  • Finance Committee Member










Areas of Responsibility

  • SEND
  • EYFS
  • EAL
  • Behaviour
  • Finance Committee Member
  • Appeals Committee Member








Contact Details




Contact Details




Contact Details



Contact Details




Contact Details





Mr Matt Beer

Foundation Governor

Mrs Katie Rivers

Parent Governor

Mr Daniel Antwi

Parent Governor

Areas of Responsibility

  • RE and SIAMS
  • PE
  • IT
  • Staff Discipline Committee




Areas of Responsibility

  • Maths
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Pupil Premium
  • Health and Safety
  • Finance Committee
  • Staff Discipline Committee



Areas of Responsibility

  • Foundation Curriculum
  • Community Engagement





Contact Details



Contact Details



Contact Details






Governors Attendance.

At St Matthew's primary School we hold termly meetings, see our attached Governor attendance form. Sept 2021-present

Name Area of Responsibility Category Appointed on Date of end of office Attendance at full gov body meetings Attendance at Finance Committee     Curriculum / additional meetings

Anna Hill






Staff discipline


Foundation Diocese 22/2/21 - 22/3/25





23/3/23 - A

















27/9/22(Heads PM)

24/11/22(New Head committee)

8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

12/1/23 (New Heads Committee)

2/2/23, 9/2/23 Govs walkabout with prospective Heads

9,10/3/23 Head teacher interviews


Heather Cooper

Vice Chair





Foundation Diocese 31/12/18 - 31/12/22






(led meeting in COG's absence)

12/7/23 - A








6/7/23 - A

27/9/22(Heads PM)

24/11/22 (New Head committee)

8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

12/1/23 (New Heads Committee)

9/2/23 prospective new head walkabout

9,10/3/23 head teacher interviews

Rebecca Wilson

Deputy head / SEND,PP Safeguarding


SCHOOL 1/1/21 - 1/1/25







14/10/21 A




14/10/22 A





8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

Bev Porter




LA 9/12/21 -9/12/24








24/11/22 (New Head committee)

8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

12/1/23 (New Heads Committee)

2/2/23 Prospective new head walkabout with AH (COG)

9,10/3/23 new head interviews

Katie Rivers




Staff discipline

Parent 19/4/21 - 19/4/24
















8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

Matt Beer

RE / Christian distinctiveness


Staff discipline

Foundation Diocese 14/7/22- 14/7/26







8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

Martin Webb

IT/ computing

Health and Safety





LA co-opted 10/2/19 -10/2/23





23/3/23 - A



3/2/22 A

26/5/22 A


16/3/23 A

15/5/23  - A

6/7/23 - A

12/7/23 - A


8/12/22 Safeguarding board 4pm

Daniel Antwi

Foundation Subjects

Community liaison

Parent 23/4/21 - 23/4/25



14/7/22 A

8/12/22 A


12/7/23 - A

Governors Duties.

At St.Matthew’s C E (Aided) Primary School and Nursery Centre our Governing Body duties are wide ranging, including;


• Key Governor Champions involvement in the strategic financial management planning for Pupil Premium Children and Children in Care and those with special educational needs / physical disabilities.

• Ensuring equality of opportunity for all its pupils.

• Key Strategic governors involvement in the writing of termly Raising Attainment Plans with the attached school improvement advisor and Senior Management Team. This is usually the Chair of Governors in attendance.

• Establishing priorities , actions and timescales to raise standards of progress and attainment.

• Playing a pivotal role in establishing School improvement strategic planning and evaluation.

• Monitoring the progress of all groups of children, evaluating the impact of the school’s curriculum and promoting good teaching and learning.

• Acting as a ‘critical friend’. A ‘critical friend’ offers support, constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas, a second opinion on proposals and help where needed. However a ‘critical friend’ may also challenge, ask questions, seek information, improve proposals and so arrive at the best solution for the pupils, staff and whole school community.

• If a member of the Finance Committee, being involved in strategic financial planning , making decisions on the school’s budget and staffing, scrutinising school benchmarking to ensure best practice and best value.

• Being accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community.

• If a member of the Curriculum Committee , ensuring that the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based and taking part in learning walks/Deep dives to ensure consistency of practice, evaluate provision and gain a greater awareness of standards and progress of targeted groups.

• Meeting with class teachers as Governor Champions to discuss progress and achievement, paying particular attention to Pupil Premium Children, CIC and other vulnerable children.

• If a member of the Health and Safety and Safeguarding Committee ensuring policy and procedures are followed and embedded.

• Ratification and approval of all school policies.


Governing Body Constitution.

As a Church of England Aided School our governing body is made up of:

7 Foundation including 1 co-opted

1 LA

2 Parent

1 Head teacher



Involvement In School.

Link and Special Interest Governor Champions and Subject Leader Roles and Responsibilities from September 2023

Each Governors has a link curriculum role with an allocated subject leader and liaise regularly to ensure their knowledge is current.


Key strategic link governors, for the core subjects, Pupil premium, Safeguarding, EYFS and SEND regularly visit and carry out learning walks/ deep dives with our school attached advisor and attend data meetings (usually the Chair). This keeps governors fully involved and allows them to challenge practice and impact.


We have a wealth of knowledge on our governing body which leads to quality observations and judgements being made and discussed. School priorities are regularly revisited to inform school self-evaluation and what direction we need to go in next.


Meetings and Structure.

St.Matthew’s CE (Aided) Primary School Committees and structure September 2023-2024

Strategic Curriculum Committee 

  • Analysis and synthesis of data

It is the role of this committee to receive verbal and written reports along with other evidence about the school’s work, in terms of external and internal data. Governors will participate in the analysis and synthesis of data. These activities will support the setting of annual targets for the school.

  • Raising Attainment Plan (RAP), School Improvement Plan(SIP)

It is the responsibility of selected members of this committee to support the writing of the RAP and SIP, meeting with Senior / middle leaders and the School Improvement Advisor to carry out the thorough analysis and synthesis of data, resulting in improvements for all groups of pupils.

  • School Curriculum

It is the role of this committee to monitor the work undertaken throughout school in all curriculum areas. This will usually be done by Governors working strategically alongside Subject Leaders and making visits to the school to see the curriculum in action, taking part in Learning walks with senior / middle leaders / School Improvement Advisor and carrying out work scrutinies with curriculum leaders. Governors will present their findings at subsequent committee meetings and full governing body meetings. Learning walks are then published on our school website.

  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

It is the role of this committee to monitor the provision of SEND in school. This will be done by at least one governor working strategically alongside SENCo.  The committee will receive both written and verbal reports about SEN.

  • Pupil Premium Attainment

It is the responsibility of this committee to ensure that the attainment and progress of these pupils is no worse than other pupils within the school and to hold the school to account for any differences that are shown through the analysis of the data.

  • Policy Development

It is the responsibility of this committee to identify and develop such policies as are deemed essential to the management of the school. This will be done by working closely with the Headteacher, Deputy headteacher and School Business Manager. Commissioning and receiving draft policies and helping prepare finalised policies for adoption.

  • Monitoring cycle

It is the responsibility of this committee to hold the school to account; ensuring that there is a rigorous monitoring cycle in place which includes, the interrogation of data, scrutiny of pupil work and lesson observations, so that a judgement can be made on the quality of teaching, learning and progress of all groups of learners.Key Strategic Governors often take part in learning walks and work scrutinies to confirm their judgements of the school.

  • Pupil Behaviour and Attendance

The committee will discuss current or anticipated issues around the general behaviour and attendance levels of all children.  Any recommendations are taken forward to full Governing Body meetings for approval.

 SIAMS Committee

  • Christian Character of the School

As a Church Aided Primary School this committee is committed to ensuring that the school is promoting the Christian character associated with the school, and following the latest SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools ) guidance. 

 Finance Committee 

The Remit for this committee covers to the following areas:

Members –  Kate Clark(Head - ex officio), Rebecca Wilson, Anna Hill, Heather Cooper, Martin Webb, Katie Rivers

  • Personnel

It is the role of this committee to consider items relating to the staffing arrangements of the school. This will be done by receiving reports on the deployment of staff and their roles. The committee will prepare recommendations for the governing body on all issues relating to employment and conditions of service.

  • Finance - Additional grants - Recovery Premium , Catch up Premium , Tutoring School led programme 

It is the role of this committee to deal with all matters relating to the school budget. This responsibility will include approving the annual budget and monitoring its use. The monitoring process will usually be done by receiving reports and statement of accounts throughout the year. Over the past year due to COVID there have been significant grants awarded to schools to facilitate the recovery, particularly of our Pupil Premium Pupils.

  • Pay

It is the responsibility of this committee to make decisions on pay, based on the evidence provided by the Headteacher on monitoring outcomes or members of the Performance Management Committee on the Headteacher’s performance, based on Performance Management outcomes. It is also responsible for ensuring that there are equal opportunities for all staff in terms of the way they are treated and the grading of their salary.

  • Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)/Early Years PPG

It is the role of this committee to hold the school to account for all PPG monies and how these are spent. The decisions on spending should be based on sound academic research, where there is strong evidence to support the spending in a particular area, which has a high impact on pupil progress and closed the gap between those pupils in receipt of PPG and those who are not. The Chair of Governors is the Governor designated to Pupil Premium.

  • Sports Premium Grant

It is the role of this committee to hold the school to account in relation to the spending and allocation of the sports Premium, and ensure there is a fair and transparent process in spending to ensure the effective delivery of sport for all.

  • Forces Premium Allocation

It is the role of this committee to hold the school to account in relation to the spending and allocation of the sports Premium. Again it is their role to ensure this funding is allocated to the Forces service children appropriately and in a targeted manner , although the main aim of the pupil premium is to raise attainment, we are advised the service pupil premium can be spent on: non-academic outcomes, such as improving pupils' mental health. non-academic improvements, such as better attendance. activities that will also benefit non-eligible pupils.

  • Premises - DFC from Lichfield Diocese -Bids and Outcomes

This committee is responsible for monitoring the maintenance and development work undertaken as part of the schools premises care. It will do this by helping to establish priorities, receive reports and make recommendations to the governing body on issues related to this area. The school regularly submits bids to the Diocese for specific building projects, we are presently reaping the reward of one of these bids which was awarded to replace our School roof , presently underway.

We have benefitted from DFC money to refurbish toilets, pathways, fencing , windows in our hall and our next bid will be to replace the windows in the rest of the school which are the 1970's ones and as such are not energy efficient.

  • Health & Safety

It is the role of this committee to ensure that the school’s Health & Safety policy is carried out. This will be done by providing a governor representative on the Health & Safety team and receiving regular written and verbal reports. They may be in attendance at Health and Safety Audit feedback also.

  • Policy and Procedure Review

It is the responsibility of this committee to ensure that all school policies are kept under review and are updated as and when necessary. This will be done through establishing a three year rolling review programme of all existing policies. This work will be carried out in conjunction with the Senior Management Team of the school.

Disciplinary, Grievance and Employment Protection Committee

Anna Hill, Matt Beer , Katie Rivers

It is the role of this committee to deal with any disciplinary or grievance matters and to ensure employment protection. It will also be responsible for  staff discipline hearings.

Pupil and staff Discipline Committee

 Anna Hill, Matt Beer, Katie Rivers

It is the role of the complaints committee to act as the 1st committee in any complaint or pupil exclusion which requires a formal committee to consider.

Appeals Committee

Heather Cooper, Heather Cooper, Bev Porter 

It is the role of this committee to act as the appeals committee in any situation which would warrant an appeal.

Performance Management Committee

Anna Hill (Chair -ex officio), Heather Cooper

It is the role of this committee to oversee that Headteacher’s performance management

SIAMS Committee  Matt Beer, Heather Cooper, Anna Hill, Martin Webb

Link and Special Interest Governor Champions and Subject Leader Roles and Responsibilities from September 2023

Pupil Premium: Mrs K Rivers

Teaching and Learning: Mrs A Hill, Mrs K Rivers

Behaviour and Attendance: Mrs Anna Hill, Mrs B Porter, Mrs Wilson

Subject area                              Appointed Governor                                          Designated Subject Leader

EYFS                                            Mrs B Porter                                         Mrs S Vaughan

English                                         Mrs A Hill                                             Miss L.Wilson

Maths                                           Mrs K Rivers                                         Mr P Bailey 

Science                                         Mrs H Cooper                                       Mrs S Wyre

IT    / Computing                           Mr M Webb                                           Mrs R Wilson , Miss L Wilson

RE                                                Matt Beer, Mrs H Cooper                        Mrs J Barfield /Mrs N Jenkins  

PE                                                Mr Matt Beer                                        Miss R Hawthorn

Foundation Curriculum                   Mrs A Hill, Mrs K Rivers                         Miss L Wilson

SEND                                           Mrs B Porter                                         Mrs L Burns

Teaching and Learning                   Mrs A Hill                                             Miss L Wilson

Safeguarding                                Mrs A Hill                                              Mrs R Wilson /Mrs D Mills


Impact of Governors.

The Governors at St.Matthew's are committed to rigorously analysing and challenging all aspects of school improvement. Our Chair of Governors attends the termly Raising Attainment meetings with our school Advisor and all our Senior and middle leadership team to establish clear targets for school improvement, analysing cohort data and drilling down into groups and individual pupil data where applicable. Pupil Progress meetings are discussed and interventions established. 

Key Strategic Governors then accompany Senior / middle leaders and the school improvement advisor on Learning Walks to quality assure judgements made and see first hand the learning taking place, talk to pupils and scrutinise work in books.

Governors impact on a termly basis is recorded in every termly Governor's Meeting Head Teacher's Report.

The most recent impact documents can be viewed by opening the link below.

 Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions governors have been unable to take part in learning walks this year , however they have met remotely to discuss a number of issues . These are documented in the termly governor paperwork (Governors role in school Improvement Annex A)



Governor Learning Walk Mathematics

Send learning walk

2019 - 2020

Governors role in school improvement July

Governors role in school improvement April

Governors role in school improvement November

Governors EYFS Learning Walk

Governors Learning Walk Phonics/Reading

Governors Learning Walk Writing

Governors Learning Walk Mathematics 2019


 Governors Profiles

Mrs D. Mills - Headteacher


Rebecca Wilson - Deputy Head Teacher

I am delighted to now be a member of the governing body having worked at St Matthew’s Primary school for a substantial number of years. I am committed to developing and sustaining success and am extremely passionate about developing everyday classroom's practice to provide accessible learning for all, working with pupils, staff and parents to ensure each individual is able to work to their full potential.

Throughout my teaching career at St Matthew’s I have had a number of roles including, at present, that of Deputy Heateacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead. I am also the lead teacher for Pupil Premium, Looked After Children, Behaviour, Attendance and Curriculum. Throughout the years I have had experience of teaching children in all key stages working with children from Nursery through to Year 6.

Having moved a number of years ago from London, my family and I have now settled in Telford and live locally to the school. Living within the local area for a number of years has been beneficial in developing the sense of being part of the community. It has also enabled me to see first-hand the passion that the parents of St Matthew’s have in wanting the best outcomes for their children and as a Mum of two boys I therefore appreciate the importance of quality education that provides the stepping stones to build successful futures.


Anna Hill Chair Of Governors  - Governor Champion for English

I have recently become the Chair of Governors at St Matthews C of E Primary School. I have a daughter at the school and have been a member of the Parent council for 5 years. During this time I have seen first-hand what a fantastic school it is, the teaching staff inspire pupils to be the best they can be and all create a fantastic learning environment. I am the Governor Champion for English and therefore have keen interest in Reading and also St Mathew's school library, I have been instrumental in assisting this to grow and develop as a resource for all children within school. I have worked for the Library service for 11 years and am currently a Library Service Team Leader based at Wellington Library. As a Governor I enjoy carrying out learning walks and book scrutinies, and also attending Raising Attainment Planning Meetings with Senior leaders and our School Improvement Advisor


Mrs Heather Cooper Vice Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Champion for Mathematics and SEND

I have been attending St. Matthew’s Church since moving to Donnington in 2002, and it was through this involvement that I became a Foundation Governor at St. Matthew’s School in 2006. I am one of the Governors responsible for the Performance Management of the Head Teacher, and the Governor Champion for SEND and Mathematics. My role is to promote the Christian character of the school, so as well as attending meetings in school I am often in Church when the children come in for services and class visits

Foundation Governor Ambassador for RE/SIAMS

St. Matthew’s Church serves the people of Donnington, Donnington Wood and the Humbers. We are people who aim to follow in the way of Jesus and aim to show this by showing hospitality, generosity and building a sense of community. I am keen to foster links between St. Matthew’s School and the church, and regularly visit the children and staff within school. We run Messy Church for the children, aiming to provide a welcoming environment where families can worship together, learn together, have fun together, socialise with others and grow into faith. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. The school have a positive relationship with the church and perform at church festivals, the children participate in ‘experience church’ sessions with members of the church community, and Year 5 and 6 participate in Eucharist services with the community. We are always looking for more opportunities to work together.


Mrs Katie Rivers

I am a mum of two boys who both thrive at St Matthews and love their time at school. I thoroughly enjoy my time as a parent governor at St Matthews. It is lovely to see how all staff really understand the personalities of each child and work towards each child’s personal goal. I am committed to helping staff ensure good outcomes for all the children at St Matthews. My link subject is maths and I am member of the school’s Finance Committee.

Outside of my school role, I work for the NHS in a legal and governance role and prior to this I worked for a local law firm. This has provided me with excellent GDPR knowledge and a good understanding of the importance of safeguarding children. It has shown me how schools play a vital role in ensuring children lead a happy and healthy life.


Mrs Bev Porter

I have recently joined the governing body of St. Matthew’s CE Primary as the governor with responsibilities for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and EYFS. Some parents/carers will already know me, as for many years I was the LSAT (Learning Support Advisory Teacher) for the school. In fact, my association with St. Matthew’s spanned from January 1991 until December 2017 when I retired, so I think this gives me a good insight into the school and the provision and support offered to children who have a range of needs / challenges and how staff maximise individual strengths. I have always liked the inclusive nature of St. Matthew’s where children have a voice and parents’ views are welcomed.

I have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the areas of Speech, Language and Communication Needs, Autism Conditions, Dyslexia and DCD/ Dyspraxia. Having worked at a strategic level for the Local Authority, I look forward to supporting Mrs Wilson, SENco and staff with an overview of the implementation of SEN policy. In my role as governor I aim to support St. Matthew’s in achieving the best outcome for all, by ensuring that matters relating to SEND continue to stay on the governing body agenda. This will include discussion regarding the outcomes of the school’s monitoring and evaluation of the provision made for pupils, how allocated resources and funds are used in the most cost effective way in terms of increased progress for pupils with SEND and the development of social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

I am looking forward to this new role and will be working closely with Mrs Clark and Mrs Wilson to support staff, parents /carers and pupils build on the excellent work already being undertaken. I will hopefully provide a link between the governing body, its committees and the staff regarding Special Educational Needs and provide updated information about developments at national / local levels and within the school.


Mr Daniel Antwi

Daniel Antwi-Boasiako (Parent Governor)

As a dad of two children who attend St Mathews CE Primary School, I am passionate about creating opportunity for children in the area to receive excellent educational, pastoral and wrap around care. I hope to make sure school life gives them great memories, long lasting friendships, and the best chance of success as an adult, including a healthy mind-set. I am a qualified children’s and youth worker, with over seven years of experience supporting vulnerable children in various capacities. and I am keen to extend these skills into being a great parent governor.