Safeguarding Curriculum
Safeguarding Curriculum
In school we teach our children about the importance of safeguarding through many different curriculum areas and contexts. Our safeguarding content is taught through all subjects areas, some through specific lessons in PSHE, some through specific focus days and other aspects are taught through whole school or in class assemblies.
Teach Computing Lessons |
PSHE Lessons |
Expect Respect Lessons |
PANTS Lessons |
Water Safety Awareness |
Crucial Crew - Year 6 |
Be Bright Be Seen Workshop - Year 3 and Year 4 |
Fire Safety - Year 3 |
Bikeability - Year 6 |
STAR - Year 6 |
St Giles Workshop - Year 6 |
Picture News |
Safeguarding Pupil Displays
We have a number of safeguarding displays around school that provide all of our pupils with visual reminders of what safeguarding is, how to keep themselves safe and who to speak to should they have a concern or a problem.
Expect Respect Lessons
There is a growing recognition that the home lives of children and young people can have a significant impact on their ability to participate fully in school life and achieve academically.
At the start of a school year every class in school participates in one Expect Respect Lesson. Through these lessons we teach our children at an age appropriate level how to develop their understanding of respectful relationships and what these look like.
Talk PANTs
During PANTs lessons we teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which is like a green cross code for staying safe from sexual abuse.
PANTS stands for:
- Privates are private
- Always remember your body belongs to you
- No means no
- Talk about secrets that upset you
- Speak up, someone can help
Please watch the PANTs video by clicking on the link below.
If you would like to know more about the NSPCC’s campaign and see how you can help keep your children safe in partnership with school, more information can be found at