Click on image above to open the curriculum map to see what we are learning about during Autumn 2 |
This half term our Cornerstones topic is Scrumdiddlyumptious.
This is a design and technology topic that explores the tasty world of food. We will be learning about food groups, food origins, healthy eating and physical changes during cooking. We will be working towards making a pasta salad. We will follow the whole design process from evaluating esisting products, to focussed practical tasks where we will be practising using utensils to cut, slice and dice vegetables. We will then design our salad, eat it and then evaluate it. Hopefully, we will learn how important it is to eat a well balanced diet also!
English - This half term we will be writing descriptive settings. We will be writing descriptive pieces about the workshop from the class text and also Lila's journey through the jungle as she travels to the volcano. We will also be writing poems inspired by our weather, whether that be rain, wind or snow! We will also be looking at the poem 'Cobweb Morning' for inspiration.
We are also using edshed for our weekly spelling and practise so we ask that the children go onto this and practise their spellings for the week, ready for the spelling test each Friday.
Reading - Our class book is called 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman. The children will all have access to their own copy of the class book in school. It's also really important that the children read regularly at home and we will try our best to change books on a weekly basis.
Maths - We are going to cover addition and subtraction and then fractions of numbers this half term. It is also really important that the children practise their times tables everyday and get more confident at recalling them. We ask that the children continue to explore times tables rockstarrs as much as they can.
Science - This half term in Science we will be covering the topic of 'Rocks'. We will look at types of rocks and conduct experiments to find out which rock is the hardest and find out which rocks are waterproof. We will be exploring the differences between sedimentary and metamorphic rocks also.