St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Year 5/6 –Saint Thomas More

St Thomas More

St. Thomas More, who was born in London in 1478 and later served as England's High Chancellor under King Henry VIII is best known for studying law and leading in politics during the Tudor reign. He demonstrated a distinctive blend of human compassion and Christian wisdom in his roles as a family man, public servant and writer.

He was kept in the Tower of London as a result of his opposition to the King's divorce and refusal to recognise Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England.  He was finally charged with treason after serving a fifteen-month sentence and executed on July 6, 1535.  With unwavering faith, heroism and determination our class is inspired by the courage, perseverance and resilience shown by Saint Thomas. He refused to give up on what he believed in and we admire his fortitude, faith in Christianity, and genuine inspiration at a time when religious beliefs and ideals were called into question.

Our Teacher in St Thomas More 5/6JB is Mrs Barfield.

Our HLTA is Miss Benbow.

'With lots of resilience, determination and passion we are excited to go on a new learning journey with you all in Year 5/6.'


Pupils in Year 5/6 will need need to remember that they must come to school in their PE kits on our designated PE days (Wednesdays and Thursdays) and should bring their reading books into school every day. I would also ask that you continue to learn your times tables and read as much as possible at home. Remember reading is exploring without leaving home. Books let you travel without moving your feet!

"Organise the pencils, open the books! Put on your school clothes, and your bright happy looks! It’s time to cheer for a new school year! I hope you make wonderful memories whilst you're here."