St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Welcome to our Autumn 1 Class Page

PE: This will take place every Wednesday and Thursday  this half term.  Please ensure your child comes to school in an appropriate PE kit on these days. 

Our learning this half term will focus around our class text which is 'The Secret Garden' by Frances Hodgson Burnett. 

Reading and Writing- The book we are studying this half term is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This is a classic text about a young girl who moves to Misselthwaite Manor and finds the secret garden! 

This story will inspire us to write our own setting descriptions and we are going to develop our understanding of figurative language and how we can use this effectively to set the scene.

Maths- We will be exploring place value and addition and subtracting. Times tables are particularly important and are the fundamental basis for all areas of mathematical understanding. Children in Years 5 and 6 should know ALL of their times tables and be particularly confident when recalling their 6,7,8 and 9's.

I would recommend that children practise their times tables, reading and spelling on Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars and Oxford Owl regularly to support them in their learning.


Science- Our Science topic is all about the reproduction of plants. We are excited to learn more about the parts of a plant after lots of discussion during our first Science lesson. We have already begun to explore how flowers 'self-seed' and are intrigued to learn about the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.

History - The Secret Garden is set during the end of the Victorian era and the beginning of the Georgian era. To understand what our local area was like during these periods of time and how it has changed, we will be studying the unit 'What can the census tell us about our local area?'