St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

At St Matthew’s we aim to rigorously monitor lessons, environments and pupil’s books through a clear strategic plan. Leaders of core subjects including Reading, Writing, Maths, Religious Education and Science conduct lesson observations at least once a term for every member of staff. If there are significant areas for development, a support package will be put in place for that teacher with a member of the SLT who will mentor them and conduct more frequent observations as needed. Book scrutiny takes place as a whole school within Professional Development Meetings and as a focus of an LMT meeting once a term. The book scrutiny focuses on expectations, standards, pitch and progression of skills and knowledge through the school and within parallel year groups.  

Foundation subjects are monitored when they are a whole school area of focus through the cornerstones curriculum.

Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Subject Geography Design Technology History Design Technology Geography History


During areas of focuses , subject leaders are mentored by Mrs Wilson (Deputy Headteacher) in the evaluation of their curriculum area.  As part of this process they will undertake a learning walk and lesson observations, they will also complete book scrutiny and pupil interviews, during all of these they will focus on the progression of skills and knowledge throughout the school. The process will enable them to effectively evaluate the teaching within their subject area and ensure that there is a clear and accurate progression in the teaching of key skills and knowledge in line with the National curriculum and cornerstones scheme of work. They may also undertake 'Deep Dives' with our School Adviser from the SSTA who trains staff exceptionally well to articulate what children know and can do in relation to knowledge and skills learnt and applied by the pupils, within this process he will carry out pupil voice sessions , during which he talks at length to the pupils from a range of Year groups. Our advisor will then feedback to the subject leaders and our Senior Management Team.

Music is taught throughout the Year on a rotation. Our Senior Management Team made the decision to plan in three Art weeks per year , (one each term) to cover the Art curriculum in depth, however Art is also taught through other subjects throughout the year.

Following all monitoring, findings will be shared with LMT and governors. Teacher and teaching Assistants / HLTAs will be given individual and whole school feedback following each of the evaluation processes, which will outline key areas of success and areas of improvement. All areas of improvements will be given timescales for completion and further evaluation.

Governors will conduct monitoring alongside subject leaders throughout the year, these are known as 'learning walks', a record of which is fed back to governors and placed in the impact section of the Governors Website area. Subject areas are assigned to governors as their area of focus, they will liaise with subject leaders and conduct scrutiny alongside them, the findings of which will be shared during full governor meetings.

Pupil Ambassadors are also be given the opportunity to accompany Governors and leaders on their learning walks to encourage them to articulate areas of strength and development from a pupil’s perspective. This enables them to understand their pupil voice is valued and they too can drive the curriculum by articulating what pupil’s need in order to progress and enjoy the curriculum.