St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Savannah Education Trust

The Savannah Education Trust is a charity providing Christian schools in the villages of northern Ghana. It was established in 2004. Their aim is to provide an education for each child in all of the villages in which they work.

They are passionate about the aim of providing an education for each boy and girl in these villages, irrespective of background, no matter how poor and despite any disabilities.

Education – because this is central to the physical and spiritual welfare of any community

Independence – because decisions should be made, wherever possible, at the local level by local people. Materials for buildings and food for the feeding programme are sourced at the local level.

Sustainability – because developing, as circumstances allow, self-supporting strategies benefits both the charity and the communities in which it works.


What They Do

Building schools

For children living in these remote villages of northern Ghana attending school each day has, until now, been only a dream.

Savannah Education Trust is building schools in the villages surrounding the district capital of Lawra, allowing children to attend school for the first time.

Their first Christian school opened in 2006 and the work has subsequently been expanded into other villages.

Feeding pupils

A lack of a school is only one of the factors preventing village children from attending full time education.

The Trust is making funds available for a meal each day for pupils while they are at school. It is shocking to realise that, without this provision, village children will often miss school during the hungry (i.e. dry) season to scavenge for food (rats, mice, birds and fruits) in the bush.

Children help around the home and in the fields with domestic chores and farming. A meal eases acute pressure on families and enables parents to release children from this type of work.

The cook is employed by the villagers themselves as their contribution to the programme.



Training Teachers

Many schools, particularly in rural locations, struggle to attract qualified teachers. There is a shortage of teachers generally. This is compounded by the fact that many qualified teachers choose to work in more affluent areas of Ghana.

The Trust is supporting both its own Savannah schools and the whole district through a teacher training programme.



How you can help

Any donation you can give can change the lives of so many children!

We are very grateful for your support. Our Programme Director, Pastor Charles Karbo sends this message:

There is an old saying here in Ghana that “the cow does not say thank you every day to the pond from which it drinks”.  However, we continue to say thank you to all the supporters of the Savannah Education Trust.  We pray the good Lord will continue to bless you.

You can donate by clicking here.