St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13


"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding."

William Paul Thurston

At St Matthew’s Primary school, our school vision is to encourage all children to flourish spiritually, morally, emotionally, physically and intellectually in all aspects of life demonstrating perseverance and resilience; this is emulated across all curriculum areas. 

  • The mathematics curriculum intent at St Matthew’s provides a clear sequence of learning that allows teachers to adapt their teaching to ensure that all learners make progress.
  • We strongly believe that mathematics is a fundamental skill that is not just about numbers, equations, calculations or algorithms but about developing a conceptual understanding of the world around us allowing us to become logical thinkers who can develop appropriate strategies to solve and embrace problems and difficulties we may encounter in life.
  • We know the importance of linking maths to everyday life so that children are aware of maths and can become lifelong learners in the future.

Through delivering high-quality lessons that recap on previous learning and encapsulate the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract representation, we believe all learners are given the opportunity to access their learning and progress appropriately in maths.  we encourage independence and our school vision strongly promotes the development of resilient, independent learners.  We believe that these skills will not only prepare children for secondary school and the next chapter in their life but will prepare them with skills for a lifetime. 


Click on image above

Click on image above

Click on image above Click on image above
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact document White Rose Maths Overview Planning Document Progression of knowledge and skills

Pictorial Summary



Parent Resources: 

Please see below links to websites that you could use to support your child’s learning at home.

Once you click on the image and select parent resources, you will be able to select the appropriate year group and choose from a selection of material that are linked to your child’s learning in school. 


Multiplication Practise:


Once you click on the image, you will be directed to the TTrockstars webpage.  Your child should have a logon for this website that will allow them to practise their fluency skills for multiplication and division in a fun and competitive way.

If your child is having difficulty logging on, please let their class teacher know and we will do our very best to get this sorted as soon as possible.