St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

Governor Profiles

Mrs D. Mills - Headteacher


Rebecca Wilson - Deputy Head Teacher

I am delighted to now be a member of the governing body having worked at St Matthew’s Primary school for a substantial number of years. I am committed to developing and sustaining success and am extremely passionate about developing everyday classroom's practice to provide accessible learning for all, working with pupils, staff and parents to ensure each individual is able to work to their full potential.

Throughout my teaching career at St Matthew’s I have had a number of roles including, at present, that of Deputy Heateacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead. I am also the lead teacher for Pupil Premium, Looked After Children, Behaviour, Attendance and Curriculum. Throughout the years I have had experience of teaching children in all key stages working with children from Nursery through to Year 6.

Having moved a number of years ago from London, my family and I have now settled in Telford and live locally to the school. Living within the local area for a number of years has been beneficial in developing the sense of being part of the community. It has also enabled me to see first-hand the passion that the parents of St Matthew’s have in wanting the best outcomes for their children and as a Mum of two boys I therefore appreciate the importance of quality education that provides the stepping stones to build successful futures.


Anna Hill Chair Of Governors  - Governor Champion for English

I have recently become the Chair of Governors at St Matthews C of E Primary School. I have a daughter at the school and have been a member of the Parent council for 5 years. During this time I have seen first-hand what a fantastic school it is, the teaching staff inspire pupils to be the best they can be and all create a fantastic learning environment. I am the Governor Champion for English and therefore have keen interest in Reading and also St Mathew's school library, I have been instrumental in assisting this to grow and develop as a resource for all children within school. I have worked for the Library service for 11 years and am currently a Library Service Team Leader based at Wellington Library. As a Governor I enjoy carrying out learning walks and book scrutinies, and also attending Raising Attainment Planning Meetings with Senior leaders and our School Improvement Advisor


Mrs Heather Cooper Vice Chair of Governors Foundation Governor Champion for Mathematics and SEND

I have been attending St. Matthew’s Church since moving to Donnington in 2002, and it was through this involvement that I became a Foundation Governor at St. Matthew’s School in 2006. I am one of the Governors responsible for the Performance Management of the Head Teacher, and the Governor Champion for SEND and Mathematics. My role is to promote the Christian character of the school, so as well as attending meetings in school I am often in Church when the children come in for services and class visits

Foundation Governor Ambassador for RE/SIAMS

St. Matthew’s Church serves the people of Donnington, Donnington Wood and the Humbers. We are people who aim to follow in the way of Jesus and aim to show this by showing hospitality, generosity and building a sense of community. I am keen to foster links between St. Matthew’s School and the church, and regularly visit the children and staff within school. We run Messy Church for the children, aiming to provide a welcoming environment where families can worship together, learn together, have fun together, socialise with others and grow into faith. We meet on the first Sunday of each month. The school have a positive relationship with the church and perform at church festivals, the children participate in ‘experience church’ sessions with members of the church community, and Year 5 and 6 participate in Eucharist services with the community. We are always looking for more opportunities to work together.


Mrs Katie Rivers

I am a mum of two boys who both thrive at St Matthews and love their time at school. I thoroughly enjoy my time as a parent governor at St Matthews. It is lovely to see how all staff really understand the personalities of each child and work towards each child’s personal goal. I am committed to helping staff ensure good outcomes for all the children at St Matthews. My link subject is maths and I am member of the school’s Finance Committee.

Outside of my school role, I work for the NHS in a legal and governance role and prior to this I worked for a local law firm. This has provided me with excellent GDPR knowledge and a good understanding of the importance of safeguarding children. It has shown me how schools play a vital role in ensuring children lead a happy and healthy life.


Mrs Bev Porter

I have recently joined the governing body of St. Matthew’s CE Primary as the governor with responsibilities for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and EYFS. Some parents/carers will already know me, as for many years I was the LSAT (Learning Support Advisory Teacher) for the school. In fact, my association with St. Matthew’s spanned from January 1991 until December 2017 when I retired, so I think this gives me a good insight into the school and the provision and support offered to children who have a range of needs / challenges and how staff maximise individual strengths. I have always liked the inclusive nature of St. Matthew’s where children have a voice and parents’ views are welcomed.

I have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the areas of Speech, Language and Communication Needs, Autism Conditions, Dyslexia and DCD/ Dyspraxia. Having worked at a strategic level for the Local Authority, I look forward to supporting Mrs Wilson, SENco and staff with an overview of the implementation of SEN policy. In my role as governor I aim to support St. Matthew’s in achieving the best outcome for all, by ensuring that matters relating to SEND continue to stay on the governing body agenda. This will include discussion regarding the outcomes of the school’s monitoring and evaluation of the provision made for pupils, how allocated resources and funds are used in the most cost effective way in terms of increased progress for pupils with SEND and the development of social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

I am looking forward to this new role and will be working closely with Mrs Clark and Mrs Wilson to support staff, parents /carers and pupils build on the excellent work already being undertaken. I will hopefully provide a link between the governing body, its committees and the staff regarding Special Educational Needs and provide updated information about developments at national / local levels and within the school.


Mr Daniel Antwi

Daniel Antwi-Boasiako (Parent Governor)

As a dad of two children who attend St Mathews CE Primary School, I am passionate about creating opportunity for children in the area to receive excellent educational, pastoral and wrap around care. I hope to make sure school life gives them great memories, long lasting friendships, and the best chance of success as an adult, including a healthy mind-set. I am a qualified children’s and youth worker, with over seven years of experience supporting vulnerable children in various capacities. and I am keen to extend these skills into being a great parent governor.