St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13


JRSO stands for Junior Road Safety Officer. We work together to raise awareness of road safety by giving talks in classrooms and taking assemblies. We organise safe and active activities that teach children in school how to stay safe when crossing the road. We also teach children about staying safe at night and when it is dark by teaching them to be bright to be seen. We also work with the PCSOs and the local council to help to improve safety on the roads around our school. We have been out and used the speed guns with the PCSOs and are holding a competition to design a road safety sign.


DENSO Road Safety Competition 2019

DENSO and Telford and Wrekin Council ran a competition for local primary schools to create the next Road Safety messages for the community traffic island at Hortonwood. One of the entries from St Matthew's won. We won the Seat Belt Safety category and as a result were invited to DENSO to be presented with our award.


"On Monday we arrived at Denso.  We were thrilled about what was going to happen.  When we arrived we went to a room and talked about how important road safety is.  Everyone then received their award.  We were given a £500 cheque! We were given this cheque because we won a competition to design a road safety awareness poster. 

For lunch we were given sausage rolls, mini hot dogs, mini burgers, chocolate cake, vanilla cake and a huge cookie!  We had the best day ever!"

by Derek and Kaiden


Our winning sign will be displayed on the traffic island in Horton Wood. Please look out for it.


Be Bright Be Seen Assembly

On Wednesday 4th December, we had a visitor called Sian come in for our “Be Bright, Be Seen” assembly.  The JRSO’s Jacob, Dyllon, Maia and Keren helped with it.  We learned the Green Cross Code; Stop, look, listen and think.  Sian told us that in the winter, when it gets darker quicker, we should wear a high vis jacket and, if not, something reflective.  We also talked about the Denso Award for Seatbelt Safety that we won a few days ago.

by Maia