St Matthew's C.E Primary School

“I can do all things because Christ gives me strength” Philippians 4:13

42 Of The Most Beautiful Literary Quotes About Summer

In Summer 1, we will be focussing on our History unit which is called 1066.  This will focus on the Norman era.  We will be exploring different historical artefacts and evidence presented in the form of diary entries, written accounts, images and data to uncover the key events from the Norman Era. 

Who Were The Normans & Why Did They Invade England? | HistoryExtra

Our focus in Summer 2 is the Geography unit Interconnected world. This project teaches children about compass points and four and six-figure grid references. They learn about the tropics and the countries, climates and culture of North and South America. Children identify physical features in the United Kingdom and learn about the National Rail and canal networks.


In English, we will be linking our writing to our reading book The Anglo Saxon Boy. We will be focussing on non-chronological reports, poetry, narratives and adverts. Our grammar lessons will link to looking at expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors, personification and figurative language.  


In reading, we will be exploring the book 'The Anglo-Saxon Boy' and will be using our VIPERS reading skills during reading lessons.  In particular, we will be using our inference skills to determine how characters are feeling at certain stages of the book and drawing on the impression the author has created at key events.


In maths, we are continuing to focus on our multiplication skills and this is something that we will be really concentrating on during homework activities too.  As you are aware, the children in year 4 are required to take an end of year multiplication test where they are required to know their multiplications fluently up to the 12 times tables so as much practise at home is very much appreciated. Click here for more information on this test. We will also be looking at measurement: perimeter and area along side written methods of multiplications and divisions involving 2 and 3 digit numbers.


In RE, we will explore the question 'Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?'

Followed by 'What can we learn from a Mandir?' 



In Science, we will be exploring States of Matter including freezing, condensing, evaporation, melting. 

What are the states of matter? - Twinkl 


In PE, we will be continuing with out PE days of Monday and Thursday.  Monday’s PE lessons will concentrate on Karate skills and Thursday’s PE sessions will focus on tennis.



Click the link for Summer 1 and Summer 2 curriculum maps.